Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Insights into a molecular switch that gates sensory neuron synapses during habituation in Aplysia
Tony D. Gover, Thomas W. Abrams
I think this paper spends so much space and time only to deny depletion hypothesis.
The effects of calpain and Arf sound very interesting and promissing.
1. Habituation of reflex responses in vertebrates and invertebrates: a simple form of neural plasticity
In addition to habituation, the repeated stimulus may lead to a strengthening of the response, known as sensitization.
Their observations led them to propose the ‘‘dual-process theory” in which the behavioral change actually reflects the
contribution of these two independent processes.
Whereas short-term depression at these synapses appears to be mediated entirely by presynaptic changes (Castellucci & Kandel, 1974; Manseau, Fan, Hueftlein, Sossin, & Castellucci, 2001), long-term depression that is initiated by extensive stimulation or blocks of stimuli delivered over hours appears to depend upon signals initiated by postsynaptic glutamate receptors, including Ca2+ influx through NMDA receptors (Lin & Glanzman, 1996; Mata, Chen, Cai, & Glanzman, 2008) (see also Ezzeddine & Glanzman, 2003).
2. Mechanisms of synaptic depression in other systems
2.1. Depletion of the readily releasable pool of vesicles as a mechanism of depression
Historically, the earliest proposed mechanism for synaptic depression was depletion of the neurotransmitter that is available for release. Vesicles at synaptic release sites that are available for immediate release are considered to constitute a readily releasable pool (Betz, 1970; Gingrich & Byrne, 1985; Stevens & Tsujimoto, 1995); these vesicles may already be docked at exocytosis sites.
2.2. Use-dependent inactivation of presynaptic Ca2+ channels
2.3. Desensitization of postsynaptic receptors
2.4. Autoreceptors and retrograde signaling
At parallel fiber-to-Purkinje cell synapses in cerebellum, high frequency presynaptic activity causes suppression of transmitter release, which is mediated by release of endocannabinoids from the postsynaptic Purkinje cell; the endocannabinoids act on receptors on presynaptic terminals, resulting in reduced Ca2+ influx (Brown, Brenowitz, & Regehr, 2003).
3. Proposed mechanisms for synaptic depression at the sensory neuron-to-motor neuron synapse in Aplysia
3.1. Short-term homosynaptic depression at sensory neuron-to-motor neuron synapses involves a presynaptic mechanism, rather than alteration in postsynaptic responses
3.2. Ca2+ current inactivation
With repeated stimulation of the sensory neuron, the action potential duration decreased, suggesting that Ca2+ influx decreased with each successive action potential. Klein et al. (1980) also measured the Ca2+ current in
the soma of the presynaptic sensory neuron under voltage clamp.
With repeated depolarizing voltage steps, they observed that the Ca2+ current decreased in parallel with the decline in the amplitude of the EPSP recorded in the motor neuron.
Gingrich and Byrne (1985) also reached the conclusion that Ca2+ current inactivation alone during the normal duration ac-tion potential does not account for depression at this synapse.
Armitage and Siegelbaum (1998) used fluorescent Ca2+ indicators to directly measure Ca2+ influx at presynaptic varicosities of sensory neurons through the dihydropyridine-insensitive Ca2+ channels. No change in Ca2+ influx through these channels that initiate release was observed during synaptic depression.
3.3. Depletion of the readily releasable pool of vesicles as the primary mechanism for synaptic depression during habituation
Thus, depletion of the readily releasable pool of vesicles can contribute to depression, but probably only with relatively prolonged presynaptic activity.
Recent evidence implicated the Ca2+-activated protease calpain both in modulation of depression at the sensory neuron-to-motor neuron synapse and in serotonin-induced facilitation after depression (Khoutorsky & Spira, 2005).
This intriguing observation has been interpreted to indicate that this protease acts to untether vesicles in the reserve
pool, and thereby initiates mobilization of vesicles to the readily releasable pool. Although this is a plausible model, another possible function for calpain is the proteolytic cleavage of protein kinase C (PKC), converting the enzyme to the persistently active PKM form (Sutton, Bagnall, Sharma, Shobe, & Carew, 2004). PKC is known to participate in facilitation of depressed sensory neuron-to-motor neuron synapses by serotonin (Ghirardi et al., 1992; Manseau
et al., 2001), and also acts to prevent the development of depression during bursts of activity (see below). Thus, calpain cleavage of PKC could reduce synaptic depression.
3.4. Switching of release sites to a silent state as a mechanism of synaptic depression
Gover et al. (2002) considered five mechanisms of synaptic depression:
(1) vesicle depletion, which by default must be dependent on vesicular release (Fig. 3);
(2) reduction in the probability of release of individual releasable vesicles after a release event;
(3) reduction in the probability of release of individual releasable vesicles after an action potential, but independent of a release event;
(4) silencing of release sites after a release event, and
(5) silencing of release sites, after an action potential, but independent of a release event (Fig. 4).
These data suggest that the probability of release does not change gradually; rather individual release sites are simply silenced, or switched off, during development of depression.
Furthermore, Royer et al. (2000) argued that given their data, if p were nonuniform across release sites, then homosynaptic depression due to silencing of release sites would be independent of release [which is consistent with the conclusions of Gover et al. (2002)].
3.5. Other evidence suggesting depletion of vesicles is not the major mechanism for synaptic depression at Aplysia sensory neuron synapses
4. Evidence from other systems suggesting that vesicle depletion is not the primary mechanism responsible for synaptic depression
Rather depression with relatively few stimuli or with low frequency stimulation cannot be explained primarily by depletion.
5. Ca2+ influx initiates the silencing of release sites during depression at sensory neuron-to-motor neuron synapse in Aplysia
In the absence of Ca2+ influx no detectable synaptic depressin developed. Thus the switching off of sensory neuron release sites during repetitive presynaptic activity appears to be initiated by presynaptic Ca2+ influx.
6. The switch that silences sensory neuron-to-motor neuron synapses during depression in Aplysia involves the small G protein Arf
One possibility is that because facilitation of depressed synapse involves protein kinase C (Ghirardi et al., 1992; Manseau et al., 2001), the switching of synapses to a silent state is mediated by a protein phosphatase. Indeed, some types of long-term depression involve protein phosphatases (...).
... a general inhibitor of Arf signaling powerfuly inhibited transmission at sensory neuron-to-motor neuron synapses and occluded the development of synaptic depression. Similarly, a binding domain of an Arf effector protein acted as a dominant negative and substantially reduced the depression that developed with single action pontentials. Reciprocally, we found that constitutively active Arf6, when injected into presynaptic sensory neurons, prevented the development of synaptic depression.
7. Bursts of sensory neuron activity prevent the development of homosynaptic depression"burst-dependent protection" from synaptic depression
Burst-dependent protection from synaptic depression involves Ca2+-dependent activation of protein kinase C (PKC). Chelating Ca2+ in the presynaptic sensory neuron with intracellular EGTA, which is not a sufficiently rapid buffer to block transmitter release, eliminates burst-dependent protection.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The recovery paper
My latest paper will appear in the Journal of Neuroscience.
October 21, 2009 | Volume 29 | Number 42 |
They will introduce my paper in "This Week in The Journal"
Development/Plasticity/Repair - "Nerve Transection Induces Circuit Reorganization in Tritonia"
The article title is:
"Functional Recovery after Lesion of a Central Pattern Generator"
by Akira Sakurai and Paul S. Katz
In this paper, we found that severing a set of connections between some CPG neurons impaired motor pattern production but that the system spontaneously recovered over the course of a few hours to a day. Furthermore, we observed corresponding changes in synaptic strength that can account for the functional recovery.
Katz PS,
Sakurai A,
Tritonia diomedea
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Neuromodulation of motor systems
Among many reviews about CPG funciton, I like this one by Ole Kiehn and Paul S. Katz.
The introduction starts with a brief talk about dancing.
" changing cellular and synaptic properties, neuromodulators choreograph circuits from an ensemble of interacting neurons capable f dancing with a variety of partners."
2. The elements of neuromodulation in motor systems: alterations of cellular and synaptic properties
The CPGs - Localized neuronal networks in the central nervous system control the timing of the coordinated muscle activities, capable of producing rhythmic movement even when isolated from the sensory input (Delcomyn 1980).
The CPG function depends on synaptic interconnections and intrinsic membrane properties.
Neuromodulation changes both of them.
1) Rewiring circuits
We may often think of the nervous system as a hard-wired device whose connectivity is changed only during the developental period or as a result of learning.
NO, the strength of connections between neurons is not fixed, but can vary continusously under moment-to-moment neuromodulatory control.
The wiring diagram for a circuit is merely an outline of potential connections and does not uniquely determine the flow of information at all times.
- Modulation of chemical transmission
The effect of neuromodulation can be a functional disconnection of cells or a strengthening of the communication between cells.
Thus, the wiring diagram of synaptic connections is strongly dependent upon which neuromodulator is present.
In vertebrate locomotion, 5-HT and noradrenaline modulate glycinergic synapses to increase circuit flexibility.
- Modulation of electrical coupling
2) Changing neuronal personalities
- Modulation of resting conductances can determine neuronal participation in a network
- Modulation of conductances involved in phase transisions
- Modulation of conductances that determine spike rate
- Modulation of conductances underlying neuronal bistability
- Modulation of conductances underlying conditional bursting
3) Changes in cellular and synaptic properties produce secondary effects
The differential actions of neuromodulators on neurons in motor circuits underlie some forms of behavioral plasticity such as motor pattern selection.
3. Choreographing motor patterns: the effects of neuromodulators on the output of motor circuits
Neuromodulatory substances can initiate motor patterns by endowing neurons with the properties that are needed to form a functional CPG circuit.
Neuromodulatory sunstances can alter (or reorganize) motor patterns by changing those properties.
1) Neuromodulators can activate motor patterns
As a rule, the initiation of rhythmic movements requires non-rhythmic input from a source external to the CPG network itself.
-fast synaptic input (tadpole escape)
-neuromodulatory input (Tritonia swim, cats, rats, rabbits)
2) Neuromodulators can alter ongoing motor activity
- changing the speed/frequency
- muscle force
- phase relationship
3) Neuromodulators can reconfigure networks
-stomatogastric system
- At the moment, little is known about these types of network reorganizations in CPGs other than those in the stomatogastric system. Reconfiguration in the larger neuronal networks that control thythmic activity in vertebrates is difficult to evaluate because the CPG networks are poorly difined and it is impossible to be sure that one has recorded from all possible members of a functional circuit.
4) Neuromodulation can alter the ability of a CPG to drive its follower motor neurons
4. INtegrating neuromodulation into neuronal circuits
1) Properties of neuromodulatory neurons
2) Sources of neuromodulation
- Extrinsic vs Intrinsic
3) Convergence of modulation
5. Long-term alteration of motor patterns
Fast proprioceptive adjustment mechanisms are plastic and that they can adjust to long-term changes in the sensory signaling.
- in spinalized cats where locomotion on a treadmill is evoked by L-DOPA injection, cutting the lateral-gastrocnemius-soleus nerve results in long-term up-regulation of the load-compensating effects from group I afferents in the synergistic medial-gastrocnemius nerve, allowing the cat to slowly recover its normal stepping behavior (Whelan and Pearson 1997).
Neuromodulatory inputs may play a role in promoting long-term plasticity of CPG circuits. In spinalized cats, daily intraperitoneal or intrathecal injections of the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist, clonidine, enhanced the recovery of locomotion when combined with training on a treadmill (Chau et al., 1998).
Friday, October 9, 2009
Melibe leonina
I am working on Melibe brain now. It is so small.
There are two small ganglia on Pleural-Pleural connective nerve. What they do?
A copepod is sitting on the brain in the dish. I think it came out from the stomach, but it is still alive. It is so pity that I have to kill it to protect my prep.
I saw a pair of green tube that seem to go to the dorsal gill from the stomach.
Is it also solar-powered?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Long-Term Modifications in Motor Cortical Dynamics Induced by Intensive Practice
Bjørg E. Kilavik, Sébastien Roux, Adrián Ponce-Alvarez, Joachim Confais, Sonja Grün, and Alexa Riehle
The timing of the task is represented in the temporal structure of significant spike synchronization at the population level. By practice, the temporal structure of synchrony was shaped. Synchrony became stronger and more localized in time during late experimental sessions, in parallel with a behavioral improvement, whereas the firing rate in the same neurons mainly decreased.
The brain processes in parallel sensory, temporal, and contextual information, which has to be combined appropriately to organize a movement.
It is widely accepted that sensorimotor funcitons are based on activity modulations in neuronal networks distributed over various brain structures. (Wise, 1984; Tanji and Kurata 1989; Riehle, 2005).
The timing of modulation of synchrony and firing rate at the population level in motor cortex suggests that synchrony may be preferentially involved in early preparatory and cognitive processes, whereas rate modulation may rather control movement initiation and execution (Riehle et al., 2000; Grammont and Riehle, 2003).
The timing of the task is represented in the temporal structure of significant spike synchronization at the population level. By practice, the temporal structure of synchrony was shaped. Synchrony became stronger and more localized in time during late experimental sessions, in parallel with a behavioral improvement, whereas the firing rate in the same neurons mainly decreased.
The brain processes in parallel sensory, temporal, and contextual information, which has to be combined appropriately to organize a movement.
It is widely accepted that sensorimotor funcitons are based on activity modulations in neuronal networks distributed over various brain structures. (Wise, 1984; Tanji and Kurata 1989; Riehle, 2005).
The timing of modulation of synchrony and firing rate at the population level in motor cortex suggests that synchrony may be preferentially involved in early preparatory and cognitive processes, whereas rate modulation may rather control movement initiation and execution (Riehle et al., 2000; Grammont and Riehle, 2003).
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Re-expression of Locomotor Function After Partial Spinal Cord Injury
S. Rossignol, G. Barrière, O. Alluin and A. Frigon
The CPG is defined as a spinal network of neurons capable of generating a rhythmic pattern consisting of alternating activity between flexor and extensor motoneurons on the same side with reciprocal activation of homologous motoneurons in the other limb of
the same girdle. In general, during walking or trotting, this network ensures that flexor motoneurons on one side are active with contralateral extensors and vice versa for extensor motoneurons.
...In such a preparation, rhythmic activity, evoked by injecting the noradrenaline precursor l-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), is recorded from peripheral muscle nerves and is termed “fictive locomotion.”
...Indeed, electrical stimulation of a circumscribed brain stem region called the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR), ... Various gait patterns, such as walk, trot, and gallop, can be
evoked with increasing stimulation intensity.
...Other descending pathways release specific neurotransmitters, which are synthesized by cells in well defined brain stem nuclei (e.g., noradrenaline in the locus coeruleus and serotonin in the raphe and parapyramidal nuclei). These neurotransmitters exert powerful effects on the spinal circuitry and can change characteristics of the locomotor pattern. is important to know that, after a complete spinal transection, most quadruped mammals will
recover some degree of locomotor function in the limbs below the lesion. Cats, rats, and mice can re-express hindlimb locomotion provided the spinal cord below the complete lesion is properly
stimulated, either pharmacologically or through locomotor training.
...locomotion is controlled at multiple levels of the central nervous system, and a subtle and intricate balance is established between these levels of control. This then leads to the question of how an optimal equilibrium is re-established when this exquisite balance is perturbed following lesions of the spinal cord.
...Instead of taking over lost spinal functions, remnant descending pathways or regenerating pathways could direct the reorganization of the spinal circuitry so that it can function optimally and with a greater level of independence so that, after the complete section, the full pattern of hindlimb locomotion can be expressed by an already autonomous CPG.
The main conclusion of this brief review of multiple types of lesions is that there are several ways through which the CNS and peripheral afferent inputs can access the spinal locomotor circuitry. This apparent redundancy points to the fact that the rhythm is generated at the spinal level and that various degrees of control levels can modulate this spinal circuitry through multiple pathways. The removal of certain pathways produces specific locomotor deficits, but the
spinal circuitry and other intact pathways are still able to optimize remnant locomotor functions.
The CPG is defined as a spinal network of neurons capable of generating a rhythmic pattern consisting of alternating activity between flexor and extensor motoneurons on the same side with reciprocal activation of homologous motoneurons in the other limb of
the same girdle. In general, during walking or trotting, this network ensures that flexor motoneurons on one side are active with contralateral extensors and vice versa for extensor motoneurons.
...In such a preparation, rhythmic activity, evoked by injecting the noradrenaline precursor l-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), is recorded from peripheral muscle nerves and is termed “fictive locomotion.”
...Indeed, electrical stimulation of a circumscribed brain stem region called the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR), ... Various gait patterns, such as walk, trot, and gallop, can be
evoked with increasing stimulation intensity.
...Other descending pathways release specific neurotransmitters, which are synthesized by cells in well defined brain stem nuclei (e.g., noradrenaline in the locus coeruleus and serotonin in the raphe and parapyramidal nuclei). These neurotransmitters exert powerful effects on the spinal circuitry and can change characteristics of the locomotor pattern. is important to know that, after a complete spinal transection, most quadruped mammals will
recover some degree of locomotor function in the limbs below the lesion. Cats, rats, and mice can re-express hindlimb locomotion provided the spinal cord below the complete lesion is properly
stimulated, either pharmacologically or through locomotor training.
...locomotion is controlled at multiple levels of the central nervous system, and a subtle and intricate balance is established between these levels of control. This then leads to the question of how an optimal equilibrium is re-established when this exquisite balance is perturbed following lesions of the spinal cord.
...Instead of taking over lost spinal functions, remnant descending pathways or regenerating pathways could direct the reorganization of the spinal circuitry so that it can function optimally and with a greater level of independence so that, after the complete section, the full pattern of hindlimb locomotion can be expressed by an already autonomous CPG.
The main conclusion of this brief review of multiple types of lesions is that there are several ways through which the CNS and peripheral afferent inputs can access the spinal locomotor circuitry. This apparent redundancy points to the fact that the rhythm is generated at the spinal level and that various degrees of control levels can modulate this spinal circuitry through multiple pathways. The removal of certain pathways produces specific locomotor deficits, but the
spinal circuitry and other intact pathways are still able to optimize remnant locomotor functions.
Prominent Role of the Spinal Central Pattern Generator in the Recovery of Locomotion after Partial Spinal Cord Injuries
Grégory Barrie`re, Hugues Leblond, Janyne Provencher, and Serge Rossignol
The general accepted model of locomotor control is tripartite.
1) CPG
2) sensory feedback
3) descending pathways
After partial spinal cord injury (SCI), this optimal balance is perturbed because communication between the brain and the spinal CPG is altered (Barbeau and Rossignol, 1994).
Q: Are there lastic changes within descending pathways?
Or, the spinal CPG retains its function and that changes in descending commands aim at maintaining an optimal control of the spinal locomotor network?
The role of the CPG in the recovery of locomotion after incomplete spinal cord lesion is mostly unknown.
The first step consisted of an incomplete section of the spinal cord at the thoracic level T10 or T11.
The second step was a complete transection of the spinal cord at T13 or L1.
1) The recovery of quadrupedal locomotion after partial lesions is mostly the result of an intrinsic reorganization of the spinal locomotor network below the lesion.
2) Locomotor training is a major factor in facilitating the recovery process because cats intensively trained after the partial lesion expressed a very high locomotor
performance bilaterally within hours of the complete spinalization, whereas in untrained animals only a unilateral locomotion was observed in the limb ipsilateral to the partial lesion.
3) Plastic reorganization of the spinal CPG may still occur after the complete spinal section because bilateral locomotor performance improved with training over time in all cats after complete spinalization.
Altogether, this work highlights the importance of promoting spinal neuroplasticity in rehabilitation strategies in SCI patients, especially to maintain the spinal circuitry in an optimal condition to generate locomotion.
The general accepted model of locomotor control is tripartite.
1) CPG
2) sensory feedback
3) descending pathways
After partial spinal cord injury (SCI), this optimal balance is perturbed because communication between the brain and the spinal CPG is altered (Barbeau and Rossignol, 1994).
Q: Are there lastic changes within descending pathways?
Or, the spinal CPG retains its function and that changes in descending commands aim at maintaining an optimal control of the spinal locomotor network?
The role of the CPG in the recovery of locomotion after incomplete spinal cord lesion is mostly unknown.
The first step consisted of an incomplete section of the spinal cord at the thoracic level T10 or T11.
The second step was a complete transection of the spinal cord at T13 or L1.
1) The recovery of quadrupedal locomotion after partial lesions is mostly the result of an intrinsic reorganization of the spinal locomotor network below the lesion.
2) Locomotor training is a major factor in facilitating the recovery process because cats intensively trained after the partial lesion expressed a very high locomotor
performance bilaterally within hours of the complete spinalization, whereas in untrained animals only a unilateral locomotion was observed in the limb ipsilateral to the partial lesion.
3) Plastic reorganization of the spinal CPG may still occur after the complete spinal section because bilateral locomotor performance improved with training over time in all cats after complete spinalization.
Altogether, this work highlights the importance of promoting spinal neuroplasticity in rehabilitation strategies in SCI patients, especially to maintain the spinal circuitry in an optimal condition to generate locomotion.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Conversation with the e-phys master
Mater: Poke it....
Young Akira: ?
Mater: I said, poke it!
Young Akira: .... (Tap, tap)
Master: Wah was dat? An exhibition? We need EMOTIONAL CONTENT. Try again!
Young Akira: .... (TAP, TAP)
Master: I said EMOTIONAL CONTENT. Not anger! Now, try again!
With meeee!
Yong Akira: .... (Tap! Tap!)
Master: Ho, ha! That's it! See, it's bursting! How did it feel to you?
Young Akira: Well, let me see...
Master: (Whap!) Don’t think! FEEEEEL. It is like a finger pointing a way to the neuron!
(Whap!) Don’t concentrate on the electrode or you will miss all that heavenly action potential! Do you understand?
Young Akira: I see, sir... (Bows)
Master: (Whap!) Never take your eyes off your prep!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Prolonged presynaptic posttetanic cyclic GMP signaling in Drosophila motoneurons
By Dinara Shakiryanova and Edwin S. Levitan
PNAS 105 (36): 13611-13613
1) The activity of cyclic nucleotide activity is first shown at the terminal. It is cGMP, not cAMP.
2) NO generation and activation both occur in the presynaptic terminal
3) It is surprisingly long lasting.
FRET-based cAMP imaging showed a Ca-dependent sustained increase of cAMP (or cyclic nucleotide) after a brief activation of synapse (fly neuromuscular synapse).
1) Ca-dependent increase of cyclic nucleotide (cAMP). Both extracellular and RyR-mediated.
- Ca-stimulated AC mutant has no effect.
- cAMP-specific PDE mutant has no effect.
2) This is cGMP instead of cAMP?
- GC inhibitor (ODQ) reduced the FRET signal.
- NOS inhibitor and NO scavenger reduced it too.
- Expression of cGMP-specific PDE shortened the signal.
- IBMX indeed extend the cGMP signal duration.
NOS-guanylyl cyclase-mediated presynaptic cGMP synthesis.
ODQ: guanylyl cyclase inhibitor
L-NAME: NOS inhibitor
PTIO: NO scavenger
They don’t show the effect on synaptic strength…
PNAS 105 (36): 13611-13613
1) The activity of cyclic nucleotide activity is first shown at the terminal. It is cGMP, not cAMP.
2) NO generation and activation both occur in the presynaptic terminal
3) It is surprisingly long lasting.
FRET-based cAMP imaging showed a Ca-dependent sustained increase of cAMP (or cyclic nucleotide) after a brief activation of synapse (fly neuromuscular synapse).
1) Ca-dependent increase of cyclic nucleotide (cAMP). Both extracellular and RyR-mediated.
- Ca-stimulated AC mutant has no effect.
- cAMP-specific PDE mutant has no effect.
2) This is cGMP instead of cAMP?
- GC inhibitor (ODQ) reduced the FRET signal.
- NOS inhibitor and NO scavenger reduced it too.
- Expression of cGMP-specific PDE shortened the signal.
- IBMX indeed extend the cGMP signal duration.
NOS-guanylyl cyclase-mediated presynaptic cGMP synthesis.
ODQ: guanylyl cyclase inhibitor
L-NAME: NOS inhibitor
PTIO: NO scavenger
They don’t show the effect on synaptic strength…
Monday, August 17, 2009
Video games and experiments
Performing a biology experiment is somewhat like playing a role playing video game (RPG). You need to pile a series of success to reach the goal. There are two types of the RPGs. One is the Final Fantasy/Dragonquest- type games, and the other is the Zelda/Metroid-type games.
In the Final Fantasy/Dragonquest-type, all you need to do is to give commands to your character to defeat the enemies and to make him/her stronger and stronger. Tactics and strategies are important. The character will gather a lot of weapons and armors, potions, and dozens of other items in the inventory. The inventory has to be well organized by the player.
On the other hand, games like the Zelda series and Metroid, a player needs to develop his/her own skill and technique to control the character. The player needs to learn how to precisely attack enemies and maneuver quickly from their attacks. Very challenging and even stoic.
I assume those who live on biochemistry and molecular biology may prefer the Final Fantasy/Dragonquest type rather than the Zelda/Metroid type.
I prefer Zelda and Metroid. There I could even feel dopamine being gushed out inside my brain when I defeat the final opponent. I feel similarly when I am having a good result from the electrophysiological experiment.
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