Monday, September 13, 2010

Dissecting a Little Giant

We use Little Giant Pumps for animal tanks. This pump looks sturdy, but often fails if you don't lube it like every 6 months or so like Harley Davidson. You have to baby-sit it all time. Just like HD, this Little Giant is proudly made in USA.
By the way, Georgia Aquarium uses Iwaki pump, which is more like Honda than Harley Davidson.

Today, I had to shut down one of our tanks to replace the filter. Then, this little giant failed to restart.
So I had to restore it.

This is a tricky part. You need a flat-head screwdriver and a hammer to remove this flip thing.

Water propeller, Motor, Inlet-outlet part, main shaft with fan, end cover, magnet ring

Inside the motor. This needs overall cleaning.


Anonymous said...

cool blog! i cited your research on the myogenic heart beat in crustaceans in a lab report just now. thanks for your science!!

little giant pumps said...

Awesome!!The pictorial representation helps me a lot to understand clearly about dissecting the little giant pump which made it so easy to lube the pump.Thank you so much dude.

Akira said...

Thank you two for comments.

For little giant pump, Dripping oil into the holes on both ends of the motor does not help at all. I lately found that the shaft gets stiff near the propeller magnet outside of the motor unit. Just spray there with KURE CRC5-56. You may not need to disassemble it.