Saturday, February 14, 2009

Molluscan neuroscience meeting

I am attending the molluscan neuroscience meeting in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.

This meeting can be one of the best meetings I ever attended.
So many good talks. Many big-name people. Beautiful data and movies by highly advanced techniques.
It is great to meet some of my SfN friends again. Especially on a dispatched island in Caribbean ocean.
This whole meeting is like a field trip.

The open discussion made by Drs. Hawkins, Glanzman, Abrams and Byrne and others was terrific. I had never seen anything like that, although the topic they were discussing over and over did not sound that much important to me.

Having a field trip to the beach was also good. Seeing those smart people wearing WalMart-like bathing suits is kinda rare experience.

Only thing I regret to death was that I forgot to credit Drs. Russell Wyeth and Owen Woodward for their beautiful Tritonia swimming movie I used in my talk. Russel has many good Tritonia movies.


Anonymous said...

"I had never seen anything like that, although the topic they were discussing over and over did not sound that much important to me."

-- I agree: a great conversation about an issue no one cares about!

Akira said...

I could tell who were democrats and who were republicans from that conversation.